Working Papers
1) Political Economy & Economic History
Ora et guberna. The economic impact of the Rule of St Benedict in Medieval England (with F. Trombetta), R&R (Major) at Journal of Economic History; [paper]
2) Behavioral Economics: Human-Robot Interactions
If it Looks Like a Human and Speaks Like a Human … Dialogue and Cooperation in Human-Robot Interactions (with Mario A. Maggioni). 2021 [paper]
3) Political Economy, Education and Evaluation
High Dosage Tutoring in Pre-vocational Secondary Education: Experimental Evidence from Amsterdam (with de Ree, Joppe, Mario A. Maggioni, Bowen Paulle, and Dawid Walentek). 2021. [paper]
Closing the Income-Achievement Gap? Experimental Evidence from High-Dosage Tutoring in Dutch Primary Education (with J. de Ree, M. A. Maggioni, B. Paulle, N. Ruijs, D. Walentek). 2021. [paper]
- Institutions, democracy and growth. Fact, theories and beyond, Vita e Pensiero: Milano, 2014. ISBN: 9788834327319
Journal Articles
- Taking care of work for a new economy: The experience of the Economy of Francesco (with G. Nigri), 2021. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 4, 359-380, DOI: 10.26350/000518_000077
- International Child Sponsorship and School Performance: Evidence from Goma (DRC) (with S. Balestri, S. Beretta and Mario A. Maggioni), 2021. Journal of African Economies, DOI: 10.1093/jae/ejab007
- The Price of Silence: Media Competition, Capture, and Electoral Accountability (with F. Trombetta), 2021. European Journal of Political Economy, 69, 101939, DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2020.101939
- Machines like Us and People like You: Toward Human-Robot Shared Experience (con A. Gaggioli, A. Chirico, D. Di Lernia, M. A. Maggioni, C. Malighetti, F. Manzi, A. Marchetti, D. Massaro, F. Rea, G. Sandini, D. Villani, B. K. Wiederhold, G. Riva, A. Sciutti), 2021. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking, 24(5), 357-361, DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2021.29216.aga
- Can you activate me? From robots to human’ brain (with F. Manzi, C. Di Dio, D. Di Lernia, M.A. Maggioni, D. Massaro, A. Marchetti, G. Riva), 2021. Frontiers in Robotics and AI, DOI: 10.3389/frobt.2021.633514
- Emerging Adults’ Expectations About the Next Generation of Robots: Exploring Robotic Needs Through a Latent Profile Analysis (with F. Manzi, A. Sorgente, D. Massaro, D. Villani, D.Di Lernia, C. Malighetti, A. Gaggioli, G. Sandini, A. Sciutti, F. Rea, M.A. Maggioni, A. Marchetti, G. Riva), 2021. Cyberpsychology, Behavior, And Social Networking, 24(5), 315-323, DOI: 10.1089/cyber.2020.0161
- Clever little lies. Math performance and cheating in primary schools in Congo (with M. A. Maggioni), 2020. Journal of Economic Behavior & Organization, 172, 380-400, DOI: 10.1016/j.jebo.2019.12.021
- Does democracy cause growth? A meta-analysis (of 2000 regressions) (with M. Colagrossi and M. A. Maggioni), 2020. European Journal of Political Economy, 61, 101824. DOI: 10.1016/j.ejpoleco.2019.101824
- Food security and democracy: do inclusive institutions matter? (with S. Balestri), 2018. Canadian Journal of Development Studies, 39(2), 215-233. DOI: 10.1080/02255189.2017.1382335
- Trust behind bars: Measuring change in inmates’ prosocial preferences (with M.A. Maggioni, S. Beretta, S. Balestri), 2018. Journal of Economic Psychology, 64, 89-104. DOI: 10.1016/j.joep.2017.12.003
- Growing up in Africa. Age and Pro-social attitudes in Primary Schoolchildren in Goma (DRC) (with M.A. Maggioni, S. Beretta, S. Balestri), 2017. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 125(4), 405-440, DOI: 10.26350/000518_000004.
- Bridging the gap between economics and international relations (with R. Ricciuti), 2017. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 23(4). DOI: 10.1515/peps-2017-0026
- Aggregate wages of players and performance in Italian Serie A (with R. Caruso and M. Di Domizio), 2017. Economia Politica, 34(3), 515–531. DOI: 10.1007/s40888-017-0062-6.
- Democracy, state capacity and civil wars: a new perspective, 2016. Peace Economics, Peace Science and Public Policy, 22(4), DOI: 10.1515/peps-2016-0029 .
- Richard Stone’s Contribution to Input-Output Analysis (with G.D. Marangoni), 2016. Cahiers d’Economie Politique (Papers in Political Economy), 71(2), DOI: 10.3917/cep.071.0219 .
- Pagare per vincere. Le determinanti del successo sportivo in Serie A (with R. Caruso and M. Di Domizio), 2016. Rivista di Diritto ed Economia dello Sport, XII(2).
- Sondaggi e corto circuito della democrazia (with N. Pagnoncelli), 2016. Vita e Pensiero, XCIX (2), 136-143.
- Too Many and Too Much? Special-Interest Groups and Inequality at the Turn of the Century, 2015. Rivista Internazionale di Scienze Sociali, 123(3), 337-366.
- Crescere in democrazia (with S. Beretta), 2013. Vita e Pensiero, XCVI(5), 14-23.
You can find my publications and working papers by accessing the following repositories: