Trusting Again: Human vs Robot. Experimental research project to analyze social preferences in human-robot interactions
(with Mario A. Maggioni). Trial published on AEA RCT Registry (MAGGIONI,Mario A. and Domenico Rossignoli. 2020. “Trusting Again: Human vs. Robot.” AEA RCT Registry. June 11. Project financed by Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore(grant D3.2-2018)
This study examines the possible different (or similar) reactions of human subject playing an incentivized task (for example a social dilemma such as a “Give-some” game) either versus another human being or versus an humanoid robot.
In particular we aim at manipulating the experimental tasks in order to analyse the subjects reactions to “defective” behavior by either human or robot partners in a multi-stage game setting in order to elicit possible differences in the attitude to restore trust towards a partner based on its(human vs robotic) nature.
The historical roots of social capital in Italy: exploring teh effect of diffusion and activity of “Monti di Pietà” (Mounts of Piety) since XIV c. and the subsequent development of cooperative banking.
(with Valentina Rotondi). Project financed by Federcasse, grant number: CC1721FCAB0902
The quality of the institutional foundations of the economy of the past is fundamental in determining the state of health of the economy and contemporary society (e.g. Grief, 2006) as well as the extent and capacity of cooperation (Grief and Tabellini, 2017). We aim to study the impact on social capital of “Monti di Pietà” (Mounts of Piety), financial institutions born in late Middle Age in Italy. More specifically, we plan to study how the presence of this special kind of pawnshops in the Italian provinces in the past can explain the levels of general trust at present days, net of a series of control variables.